Sep 25, 2018
We first met Adriane DeWolfe at a playday with fellow Downunder Horsemanship friends. it was great getting together with like-minded people to work on our collective horsemanship skills. Adriane was there with her horse Toaster, a mustang. Ranae had brought Dusty and I was working with Scratch. It was clear that Adriane was a serious horsewoman. She worked equally hard on both technique and philosophy. Toaster responded well. Later, we learned it was her first time out with Toaster.
While we continued to follow each other on Facebook, it would be some months before we saw Adriane DeWolfe again. Ranae and I thought we would try our hand at Extreme Cowboy Racing. There was a race being held about a 90-minute drive away at Shades of Gold Ranch. Adriane and Toaster were entered in the novice division. When they took the course we saw they had come a long way in a very short time.
Adriane kept challenging herself and her horsemanship to get better. It was always a smooth trail. There were many ups and downs. In 2018, she continued Extreme Cowboy Racing and qualified for the National Competition in Glen Rose, Texas. She and Toaster will compete in November of 2018.
Adriane DeWolfe bid and won Toaster at the Northern Nevada Correctional Center Wild Horse Training Facility auction. And, her journey to Glen Rose when she pulls into the arena for the EXCA National Finals, has been a long one. It's an inspiration to all recreational horsemen and women. With a little dedication, a lot of hard work, and the love of a good horse, you can reach your goals.
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