Dec 23, 2014
It's the 22nd of December and you, like me are probably
running around finishing up your Christmas chores and getting ready
to relax and enjoy the holiday season with family and friends.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to say "Thanks for
Listening". The Whoa Podcast about Horses and
Horsemanship is one of the longest running,
independently produced podcasts on iTunes and that's all because of
you. Nowadays, there are literally tens of thousands of
podcasts out there - and a quite a few about horses - finding ours
is not always the easiest, but you do. You find and like
our Facebook page and, those of you who tweet, follow
me on Twitter. We are heard in over 60 different countries.
Thank you so very much. I know you find this content
helpful and I enjoy bringing it to you.
We've had a really good year. If you started listening recently, you may not know that earlier this year we got to talk to the host of the Horse Show Rick Lamb. We've had many trainers on including Martin Black, Justin Mundt, Charles Wilhelm, Denny Watkins, and from the English world, Doug Payne.
We've traveled to events and covered the Horsemen's Re-Union in Paso Robles and the Vaquero Heritage Challenge, and the Bakersfield Campdraft. We've shared our vacation to the home of Doc Bar, the Bar SZ Ranch.
We've talked about your horses' immune system and Cowboy Mounted Shooting, health products like the Porta-Grazer, and how to find a good roping horse.
We've shared your love of horses by talking about books with authors like Janet Barrett and her story of Reckless, a hero in the Korean War. And, while it didn't go as I hoped, I got to interview someone I admire - Cowboy Poet Baxter Black. And, we topped it off with a very candid interview with country music singer Chris Cagle - right from his tour bus no less.
I have had a great time travelling and finding stories you would enjoy. And, I am very excited about 2015. I have got a bunch of feelers out and podcasts in the works that I hope will really expand the appeal of the show.
We started the show more or less as a hobby three years ago to share our love of horses and horsemanship with you. We wanted it from the perspective of the average horse owner. Someone struggling to find time, confidence, skills, and knowledge that horse ownership requires. Trying to find all that in a world that constantly places more and more pressure on that precious time. As a matter of fact, you haven't heard from my wife Ranae all year. She has a full time job and trying to mesh her schedule, mine, and a prospective guest has not worked at all. When we do get time together we want to share it with our horses. I know you understand.
That means, I write, edit, produce, find guests for the show - the chief cook and bottle washer. I'm not complaining by any means - I love it. But, I've got a great audience out there and I'd like to invite you to participate. If you have a special skill, knowledge, or topic you think we should bring to a wider audience, please, please I invite you to contact me. I would like to see the show build and reach an even wider audience. You can find me by email at
So with that we end another year. Thank you once again for allowing me to share the truly unique bond we share with these wonderful animals. And, as you're sitting around the fire over the next few days, perhaps sipping something warm and toasty, know that we are wishing you, your family and horses the Merriest of Christmasas and prosperity and health in the coming year. So, until next time, for Ranae, this is John Harrer saying, no matter how cold it may be out there, go have some fun with your horses.