Apr 28, 2015
When we started the podcast back in January 2012 it was a way of sharing the knowledge about horsemanship Ranae and I have learned from Downunder Horsemanship. One hundred episodes later, I asked Clinton Anderson to come on the show. He agreed. Now, I've listened to easily a thousand hours of Clinton Anderson's voice through the TV show, DVD's, and in person at the Walkabout Tours. It could also be said that I've had more than a thousand conversations with Clinton Anderson. Every time I've ridden or done groundwork with a horse, Clinton has be in my ear telling me to "Slide, Stab, Step", "Move his feet", "Heart attacks are free!". I'll be honest with you, it seemed a bit weird to have him to actually talk to in real life. By the way, I'm much more eloquent in my imaginary conversations ;>).
When I found out I had scored the Clinton interview, I had no way of knowing ahead of time which direction the conversation would go. I've heard him casually talk about personality types. Clinton Anderson is an ESTJ. The "E" stand for extrovert. I'm a less strong ISTJ. The "I" stands for introvert. On a different rating system he is a red, a quick talker. Although I have no interest in personality labels, I had to check. I'm a green, a slow talker. I knew one thing - he'd being doing most of the talking. I prepared a number of questions on a wide variety of topics. While I'm no expert on the Method, I've watched enough Clinton Anderson to know the answers to all the horse questions. Was there a way to get to the non-horse Clinton Anderson? The interview is a wild and fun ride. There were a lot of questions left behind.
One doesn't have to like the politics of Sir Issac Newton to enjoy gravity. Just because Ben Franklin may have been a wino and a womanizer doesn't mean electricity or the post office are bad things. Whatever you think of Clinton Anderson personally doesn't matter as much as the Method will make you safer around your horse. You'll also have more fun. Back in 2008, I made a video about part of my journey.
Thanks Clinton for coming on the Whoa Podcast and teaching us horsemanship. Maybe after another 100 episodes I can ask about your favorite music or tv show...you know, the important questions.
Welcome to the Whoa Podcast about Horses and Horsemanship. I am your host John Harrer. Along with my wife, Ranae, each week on the show we talk about some aspect of owning a horse. It could be feeding or supplementation. It could be bits and bridles, tack, or cowboy boots. We cover training problems, or competing in shows. We talk to farriers and horse chiropractors. We talk about movies, books and magazine articles. And, we travel to places we think you would like to take your horse. That’s what the Whoa Podcast is all about.
We have well over 90 episodes up now and you can find them all for free on iTunes, with our Android App in the Amazon store, and now Stitcher, or wherever podcasts are distributed. Get the Stitcher app and let us know how it works. It's Free. You can also find every episode and more about the show at whoapodcast.com. Please take a moment and join our email list. Get in on the conversation with Facebook and Twitter - just look for WhoaPodcast.
You are a big part of why we do this podcast. We really love getting your feedback. Please let us know your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions for the show. You can email us at: John@WhoaPodcast.com
I blog at TrainingJessie.blogspot.com and I have a new blog about my Louisiana Leopard Catahoula puppy named Buster at BusterBrownDog.blogspot.com and if you want to know even more - and I can't imagine why - it's all at JohnHarrer.com
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