Mar 31, 2015
Matt Brechwald, host and producer of the Off Farm Income podcast, wanted to own a farm. That would place him the 2% of the US population that feeds this country. Like many farmers, Matt would have to find another source of income outside the farm to supplement his operation. I didn't realize it, but 90% of the farmers in this country have Off Farm Income to supplement their farms and families. Matt tells us exactly what Off Farm Income is and how some people solve this challenge.
There are a lot of farmers who have to find ways to make money outside the farm. That's where Matt comes in. His Off Farm Income podcast investigates the many entrepreneurial ventures to make money. Matt talks to people who have found unique and creative ways to bring in off farm income. And, Matt knows about off farm income as well as anyone. He lives it every day. His 25 acre Idaho farm is a success because of the efforts of Matt and his family.
Matt credits Dan Miller, an entrepreneur and coach, with helping him focus on his strengths and find his passion. Dan Miller's podcast 48 days is a source of information and motivation to help people find their passion in life.
Welcome to the Whoa Podcast about Horses and Horsemanship. I am your host John Harrer. Along with my wife, Ranae, each week on the show we talk about some aspect of owning a horse. It could be feeding or supplementation. It could be bits and bridles, tack, or cowboy boots. We cover training problems, or competing in shows. We talk to farriers and horse chiropractors. We talk about movies, books and magazine articles. And, we travel to places we think you would like to take your horse. That’s what the Whoa Podcast is all about.
We have well over 90 episodes up now and you can find them all for free on iTunes, with our Android App in the Amazon store, and now Stitcher, or wherever podcasts are distributed. Get the Stitcher app and let us know how it works. It's Free. You can also find every episode and more about the show at Please take a moment and join our email list. Get in on the conversation with Facebook and Twitter - just look for WhoaPodcast.
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I blog at and I have a new blog about my Louisiana Leopard Catahoula puppy named Buster at and if you want to know even more - and I can't imagine why - it's all at
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